Elayne’s Books: A Multimedia Quartet
Arella’s Repertoire, my novel, and Vagabond Scribe (Leah’s Backstory), a literary experiment (which also serves as a prequel to the novel), are now available online at http://stores.lulu.com/ezalis. Read excerpts of the books, and see what you think. These texts represent the fictional half of a quartet.
VirtualDayz: Remediated Visions & Digital Memories, my “blook” (a blog—this blog—reformatted and published in book form), and Video-Graphic Alchemy: Transforming “Dear Diary,” a personal reflection on my multimedia work, represent the nonfictional half of the quartet. These books, which I’ve cited before (see previous post), are available online at http://www.blurb.com/user/store/cyberscribe. I’ve included previews of these texts, too.
I’m considering digital publishing options, as well as other ways to adapt this printed material, e.g., film, video, live performance, so please feel free to make suggestions. The prelude of Arella’s Repertoire, which is in the preview, lends itself particularly well to a variety of creative adaptations, including dance.
Technorati tags: fiction, women's_literature, personal_memory, cultural_memory, 1960s, popular_culture, baby_boomers, autobiography, Miami, South_Beach, Santa_Monica, South_Florida, Southern_California
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