From Blog to Blook to E-Book: Reading VirtualDayz on Amazon’s Kindle 2
Now that Amazon’s Kindle 2 will soon be released (on Feb. 24), I wonder whether demand for the Kindle version of my book VirtualDayz: Remediated Visions & Digital Memories will increase. The paperback version of that book—which is based on entries I wrote in this blog from June 2005 to July 2006—is also available on (In addition, the text can be downloaded from my storefront on
Video-Graphic Alchemy: Transforming "Dear Diary," an artist’s book I published, is also available on as a paperback. Because that text includes color reproductions, I haven’t formatted it for the Kindle, since the e-book reader handles only black and white images. A digital version with color images can be downloaded from my Lulu storefront.
I like experimenting with various media to transform texts, a process that Video-Graphic Alchemy documents: my childhood diary becomes the basis for a computer graphics series which becomes a video art production which becomes a literary experiment which becomes a novel which becomes ??? The process continues as I explore new possibilities.
(Along with VirtualDayz and Video-Graphic Alchemy, the literary experiment, Vagabond Scribe (Leah’s Backstory), and the novel, Arella’s Repertoire, form Recycled Memories: A Multimedia Quartet. That DVD and paperback versions of the fiction are available upon request while I look for a new publisher.)
P.S. I would welcome feedback about the way VirtualDayz looks on either version of the Kindle.