
I explore media in transition. My research encompasses film, video, print, digital arts, and the web. I'm interested in what artists and writers are doing and in what critics and scholars are saying.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

From Blog to Blook to E-Book: Reading VirtualDayz on Amazon’s Kindle 2

Now that Amazon’s Kindle 2 will soon be released (on Feb. 24), I wonder whether demand for the Kindle version of my book VirtualDayz: Remediated Visions & Digital Memories will increase. The paperback version of that book—which is based on entries I wrote in this blog from June 2005 to July 2006—is also available on (In addition, the text can be downloaded from my storefront on

Video-Graphic Alchemy: Transforming "Dear Diary," an artist’s book I published, is also available on as a paperback. Because that text includes color reproductions, I haven’t formatted it for the Kindle, since the e-book reader handles only black and white images. A digital version with color images can be downloaded from my Lulu storefront.

I like experimenting with various media to transform texts, a process that Video-Graphic Alchemy documents: my childhood diary becomes the basis for a computer graphics series which becomes a video art production which becomes a literary experiment which becomes a novel which becomes ??? The process continues as I explore new possibilities.

(Along with VirtualDayz and Video-Graphic Alchemy, the literary experiment, Vagabond Scribe (Leah’s Backstory), and the novel, Arella’s Repertoire, form Recycled Memories: A Multimedia Quartet. That DVD and paperback versions of the fiction are available upon request while I look for a new publisher.)

P.S. I would welcome feedback about the way VirtualDayz looks on either version of the Kindle.

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