Document Sharing on Scribd: Another Platform for My Work
Labels: artist's books, blog, literary fiction, scribd, writing
I explore media in transition. My research encompasses film, video, print, digital arts, and the web. I'm interested in what artists and writers are doing and in what critics and scholars are saying.
Labels: artist's books, blog, literary fiction, scribd, writing
The most popular entry I've posted on VirtualDayz since I started this blog in 2005 has been a commentary on Family Secrets: Acts of Memory and Imagination, a memoir by British film scholar Annette Kuhn. Four years later, it's still attracting readers from around the world. The text receives at least a few hits almost daily, mainly through Google searches.
When I published VirtualDayz: Remediated Visions & Digital Memories, a "blook" (blog + book) based on this blog, I slightly edited both "Annette Kuhn and Memory Work: Reflections on Family Secrets" and "Enigmatic Fascinations: Re-viewing Memory Texts," a follow-up post inspired by Kuhn's creative memory work. Given the widespread interest in Kuhn's work, I've posted a pdf of these two entries on my Scribd site. See “Annette Kuhn on VirtualDayz.”
Labels: Annette Kuhn, autobiography, cultural memory, memoir, memory work, personal memory