
I explore media in transition. My research encompasses film, video, print, digital arts, and the web. I'm interested in what artists and writers are doing and in what critics and scholars are saying.

Friday, September 04, 2009

"Video-Graphic Alchemy" Online

"Video-Graphic Alchemy," an illustrated retrospective of my multimedia and literary work, can now be viewed in the book mode on Scribd. Try the full-screen option, and then zoom in (+).

While you're there, explore some of the other documents I've posted, including a work-in-progress that features scripted dance performances introduced in "Arella's Repertoire," my novel. "A Child's Space: Leah's Belated Hurrah," part of the series, is now available for public viewing. (It's set on the scroll viewing mode but can be changed if you prefer another mode.)

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